
Telehealth in remote Northern Territory: Bridging the gap

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In this Letter to the Editor, Quilty and colleagues explain how Telehealth provides an ideal model of care in remote areas of the Northern Territory.



Making Telehealth Sustainable in South Australia

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Making Telehealth Sustainable in SA

In this presentation, Dr Victoria Wade, Clinical Director, Adelaide Unicare e-Health and Telehealth Unit Research Fellow, Discipline of General Practice The University of Adelaide, discusses some of the key drivers needed for successful implementation of Telehealth services.

For further detail on the Unicare project, and additional Telehealth resources, please see the following link.

Telehealth means care closer to home for Central Otago children with diabetes

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This article describes a new paediatric diabetes telemedicine clinic, introduced by NZ Southern DHB paediatric endocrinologist Dr Ben Wheeler (pictured above). The clinic means that Central Otago children under Dr Wheeler’s care can consult with him via a half hour video conference in the clinic at the local hospital, rather than making a 6-8 hour round trip to see him in Dunedin.

5 Minutes with a Telehealth team: The physician and the administrator

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5 Minutes with a Telehealth team: The physician and the administrator (May 2015)

The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) in Melbourne is the major specialist paediatric hospital in Victoria with around 4,000 staff supporting 250,000 Specialist Clinic appointments. In 2011, the RCH began offering Telehealth video consultations where these might be a better option for patients and their families than travelling to the RCH.

The RACP News interviewed RACP Fellow and Director of Neurology, Associate Professor Andrew Kornberg, and the RCH’s Telehealth Program Manager, Ms Susan Jury, to explore two different perspectives on one clinical Telehealth team.


Cost savings from a telemedicine model of care in northern Queensland, Australia

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Cost savings from a telemedicine model of care in northern Queensland, Australia (Sept 2013)

In this article, the researchers report the results of a cost analysis of a telemedicine model for cancer care (teleoncology) in northern Queensland, Australia. They compared the teleoncology model with the usual model of care from the perspective of the Townsville and other participating hospital and health services.

It was found that the teleoncology model of care at the resulted in net savings, mainly due to avoidance of travel costs. Such savings could be redirected to enhancing rural resources and service capabilities.

Medico-legal aspects of telehealth services for Victorian Public Health Services

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Medico legal aspects for telehealth services for Victorian Public Health Services (April 2015)

The Department of Health and Human Services commissioned DLA Piper to develop a resource for health services and clinicians that aims to explain the current legal framework as it applies to telehealth. Medico-legal aspects of telehealth services for Victorian Public Health Services provides an overview of the laws that need to be considered when delivering or receiving medical advice using telehealth technologies. It covers elements including the duty of care, informed consent, privacy and data confidentiality and insurance and indemnification.



Inquiry into telehealth services in Queensland

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Telehealth inquiry

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Queensland Parliamentary Health and Community Services Committee – Inquiry into telehealth services in Queensland (2014)




The introduction of web-based video-consultation in a paediatric acute care setting

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The introduction of web-based video-consultation in a paediatric acute care setting 2013 RCH Melbourne
Susan C Jury, Amanda M Walker and Andrew J Kornberg. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2013; 19 (7), 383 – 387.


Data review of an ongoing telehealth programme in a tertiary paediatric hospital

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Data review of an ongoing telehealth programme in a tertiary paediatric hospital (2014 RCH Melbourne)
Susan C Jury and Andrew J Kornberg. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2014; 20: 384


Implementing telehealth as core business in health services

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Sabe Sabesan and Jenny Kelly. Med J Aust 2015; 202 (5): 231-232.