Internal Medicine Journal

Practical aspects of telehealth: establishing telehealth in an institution

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The fifth in a series of papers on the practical aspects of telehealth, this paper discusses telehealth models that can facilitate the provision of specialist services to rural and remote patients closer to home.

Practical aspects of telehealth: doctor-patient relationship and communication

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The fourth in a series of articles about the practical aspects of telehealth, this paper provides advice and information for specialists to communicate effectively with patients during a telehealth video consultation.

Practical aspects of telehealth: set-up and preparation for video consultations

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The third in a series of articles about the practical aspects of telehealth, this paper gives guidance on suitable setup for video consultations, including layout of rooms, managing sound and image quality, scheduling, testing and best practice in telehealth videoconferencing.

Practical aspects of telehealth: financial considerations

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The second in a series of articles about the practical aspects of telehealth, this paper includes information and a case history on the cost-benefits for patients and practitioners using telehealth. The case history demonstrates that telehealth can save travel time for patients, carers and specialists, and can reduce out-of-pocket expenses. The practical aspects of telehealth article series considers the contextual, clinical, technical and ethical components of online video consultations.

Practical aspects of telehealth:are my patients suited to telehealth?

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The first in a series of articles published in the Internal Medicine Journal that demonstrate the practical aspects of telehealth, this paper provides three case studies that examine the suitability of telehealth for patients living in rural and remote areas who require ongoing specialist care.

Telerheumatology: an idea whose time has come

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This article summarises the current evidence base, outlines telehealth’s strengths and weaknesses in managing rheumatic disease, and discusses the technological, medico-legal and financial aspects of this model of care.